
Program HaloCode

1. Create 3 pieces of message: "start", "move", and "stop"

2. Add an Events block when button is pressed , a Control block repeat, another Events block broadcast (start), and a Sensing block reset timer

3. Add a Control block if () else (), an Operators block () > (), a Sensing block shaking strength, and an Events block broadcast (move). Input "15" to the second box of the Operators block

4. Add a Control block if () then (), an Operators block () = (), a Sensing block shaking strength, and an Events block broadcast (stop)

5. Add a Control block repeat until (), an Operators block () > (), and a Sensing block timer. Input "100" to the second box of the Operators block, and combine the two scripts

Add a sprite

6. Delete default sprite Panda

7. Add sprite "Empty"

8. Choose "Empty", and then click "Costume". Draw a red dot

9. Duplicate "Empty", and then change the costume to make a blue dot

10. At the bottom of the Blocks Area, click "+ extension" to add Pen

Program the red dot

11. Make sure the red dot is selected, and then click Variables blocks. Create a new variable "motion value"

12. Add an Events block when I receive (move), and a Control block repeat () times. Input "4"

13. Add a Motion block turn ↷ () degrees , and a Pen block stamp, and a Variables block change (Motion value) by (1)

14. Add an Events block when I receive (start), and a Motion block point in direct (90)

Program the blue dot

15. Make sure the red dot is selected, and then click Variables blocks. Create a new variable "Slitting value"

16. Add an Events block when I receive (stop), and a Control block repeat () times. Input "2"

17. Add a Motion block turn ↷ () degrees , and a Pen block stamp, and a Variables block change (Slitting value) by (1)

18. Add an Events block when I receive (start), and a Motion block point in direct (90)

Last updated